Corporate administrative liability by legislative decree 231/2001
Adalex Team is precisely focused in delivering the best services related to the “Management and Organization Model” (Administrative liability of entities resulting from criminal act) pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, besides the update of the existing one.
The aforementioned Model gives rules and procedures to be observed for preventing and avoiding the commission of crime in order to protect the company assets.
The “231/2001 Model” adoption allows the companies to keep constantly controlled all the managements aspects, besides avoiding the payment of fine or disqualifications.
After a first analysis of the company’s activities and a careful assessment in relation to the concrete risks of crimes commission we support companies in order to both manage financial resources to be in compliance with the Model and implement procedures for reporting any violations.
We also give consultation about the tax benefits and contributions available for those who implement the Model and we provide assistance in obtaining them.
Adalex also provides the legal Team for the “Supervisory Body” composition to supervise the correct implementation of the Model.